Usually not considered to be a horror film it is one of my favorite movies and is undeniably one of the best films ever produced. Recently a highly successful smash hit has also been produced which somehow mirrors the movie set by set in a highly disturbing fashion which got to be unknown to the director and actors and was not noticed by anyone but me and now most people who know me know I will show them how these films connect with each other like butter between two sides on a sandwich.
The Conjuring is the name of the other film - the Battleship Potempkin´s sister as I call it.
The Conjuring mirrors the Battleship Potempkin in such a banal and harrowing way that ´to be able to understand the Conjuring you must see the Battleship Potempkin´. To many people both films will be equally pointless. And that is precisely the ultimate horror of both movies - the pointlessness of being stalked by inhuman evil and inhuman hatred - the Tsarist police´s inhuman hatred towards ´Comrades´in the Battleship Potempkin vs. the demon´s inhuman hatred towards the mother in the Conjuring.
Believe me folks the producers had no intention to use the Battleship Potempkin as an inspiration. But because of the enormous power the Battleship Potempkin has got over the subconscious of humanity it is no wonder that it seems to be able to choose certain films and then act on them before they have become finalized with the Shining being a famous example. Real horror films are horror films, plain and simple. This is the simple truth about how these two films became such instant and raw pieces of masterworks of cinema. It is so because the best horror films are the ones which make you feel real bad after having watched them. They make you feel angry and helpless. Angry to know that something like this can happen to people. Helpless to know that even if it has not happened to you it can happen to anybody it happens to and you are beyond their cry of help.
Storyline: who is not familiar with the storyline of the Battleship Potempkin? The Battleship Potempkin is about the uprising against the Tsarist police and against Tsarist authorities who have been treating Ukrainean and Russian peasants as inferior beings. A crew belonging to the Battleship Potempkin decides to attack the real enemies who turn out to be those giving orders. Caught in the middle of this is a nurse who loses her child in the midst of a clash between police and citizens. Needless to say the clash and it´s associated madness continue.
The Conjuring is the name of the other film - the Battleship Potempkin´s sister as I call it.
The Conjuring mirrors the Battleship Potempkin in such a banal and harrowing way that ´to be able to understand the Conjuring you must see the Battleship Potempkin´. To many people both films will be equally pointless. And that is precisely the ultimate horror of both movies - the pointlessness of being stalked by inhuman evil and inhuman hatred - the Tsarist police´s inhuman hatred towards ´Comrades´in the Battleship Potempkin vs. the demon´s inhuman hatred towards the mother in the Conjuring.
Believe me folks the producers had no intention to use the Battleship Potempkin as an inspiration. But because of the enormous power the Battleship Potempkin has got over the subconscious of humanity it is no wonder that it seems to be able to choose certain films and then act on them before they have become finalized with the Shining being a famous example. Real horror films are horror films, plain and simple. This is the simple truth about how these two films became such instant and raw pieces of masterworks of cinema. It is so because the best horror films are the ones which make you feel real bad after having watched them. They make you feel angry and helpless. Angry to know that something like this can happen to people. Helpless to know that even if it has not happened to you it can happen to anybody it happens to and you are beyond their cry of help.
Storyline: who is not familiar with the storyline of the Battleship Potempkin? The Battleship Potempkin is about the uprising against the Tsarist police and against Tsarist authorities who have been treating Ukrainean and Russian peasants as inferior beings. A crew belonging to the Battleship Potempkin decides to attack the real enemies who turn out to be those giving orders. Caught in the middle of this is a nurse who loses her child in the midst of a clash between police and citizens. Needless to say the clash and it´s associated madness continue.