Thursday, January 1, 2015

VHs 1, 2 & 3

Needless to say VHS 1 and 2 were quite successful though we just don´t know in what category to put WHS 3 other than ´so bad it´s actually really bad´. VHS 3 fails where VHS 2 left off and what the viewers now need is at least one more sequel and a few good prequels which´d explain the events leading up to 1 & 2. 1 & 2 sounded more believable cause the main roles found the vhs footage but 3 attempts to rely rather on confusion than on terror at the expense of the viewer. I intend to buy 3 because my money will not be wasted. I usually know what I do before I make decisions on which film to buy and the ideal horror film is actually a horror film. That´s what makes such films as Dark touch so great. And I don´t agree with the negative reviews of 1 & 2. And VHS managed to do what they were meant to do - bring back our previous enthusiasm for viewing vhs videos. And thus bring an old format back from the dead. So the goal with 3 wasn´t to kill off the franchise. No. It was to follow the lead of 1 & 2 and keep the vhs concept going.
VHS looks like it´s coming from the brink after all because the past enthusiasm hasn´t really died out - it´s just that DVD´s got to be more in the news so people bought more of´on guys. Let´s make 4 rock. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Battleship Potempkin

Usually not considered to be a horror film it is one of my favorite movies and is undeniably one of the best films ever produced. Recently a highly successful smash hit has also been produced which somehow mirrors the movie set by set in a highly disturbing fashion which got to be unknown to the director and actors and was not noticed by anyone but me and now most people who know me know I will show them how these films connect with each other like butter between two sides on a sandwich.
The Conjuring is the name of the other film - the Battleship Potempkin´s sister as I call it.
The Conjuring mirrors the Battleship Potempkin in such a banal and harrowing way that ´to be able to understand the Conjuring you must see the Battleship Potempkin´. To many people both films will be equally pointless. And that is precisely the ultimate horror of both movies - the pointlessness of being stalked by inhuman evil and inhuman hatred - the Tsarist police´s inhuman hatred towards ´Comrades´in the Battleship Potempkin vs. the demon´s inhuman hatred towards the mother in the Conjuring.
Believe me folks the producers had no intention to use the Battleship Potempkin as an inspiration. But because of the enormous power the Battleship Potempkin has got over the subconscious of humanity it is no wonder that it seems to be able to choose certain films and then act on them before they have become finalized with the Shining being a famous example. Real horror films are horror films, plain and simple. This is the simple truth about how these two films became such instant and raw pieces of masterworks of cinema. It is so because the best horror films are the ones which make you feel real bad after having watched them. They make you feel angry and helpless. Angry to know that something like this can happen to people. Helpless to know that even if it has not happened to you it can happen to anybody it happens to and you are beyond their cry of help.

Storyline: who is not familiar with the storyline of the Battleship Potempkin? The Battleship Potempkin is about the uprising against the Tsarist police and against Tsarist authorities who have been treating Ukrainean and Russian peasants as inferior beings. A crew belonging to the Battleship Potempkin decides to attack the real enemies who turn out to be those giving orders. Caught in the middle of this is a nurse who loses her child in the midst of a clash between police and citizens. Needless to say the clash and it´s associated madness continue. 

Negative Image - short film

This horror short is one of my favorite shorts and one of the best ones I have seen in a long while. The short deals with the concept of the negative image in photography. It portrays light against dark in a very vivid sense which few short films have managed to do to produce an instant success. If you are into haunted house movies you are definitely going to love this gem. It is shot quite well and builds up intensely until what´s left is your question on the meaning of the beginning and the ending which is known only to you.
This film is also good for those wishing to learn something about photography on youtube.

Storyline: a photographer who specializes in abandoned house imagery decides to visit a forbidden zone surrounding a house believed to be haunted - an abandoned mental hospital. What he finds comes after him and begins to haunt him. Eventually he will learn why he heard a voice in his head telling him to stay away the hard way. 

Livide is splendid!!

Livide is a splendid and very well crafted French horror film. I didn´t expect to see such a lovely and deliciously dark take on Vampire in French film making. For a long time now until Livide people had thought that the Vampire and Werewolf movies are dead. Especially after Ginger Snaps. With the arrival of the Wolfman after Ginger Snaps that all changed and now we have got Livide. Of course notable vampire films have been made since then but since I don´t watch a lot of vampire movies it is pretty understandable that I haven´t watched the recently produced Byzantium. I don´t mean to spoil the storyline of Livide to people who have not seen it yet. But I can tell them that my experiences of watching Livide got me convinced that it has got all the elements a good horror film has got to have to succeed.
In the case of the vampire movie the ideal vampire movie is the one which has got vampires which remind people of the importance of their immortality - not the importance of being immortal after being bitten.  In any terribly done vampire film the viewer is made feel that being a vampire is somehow better than not being one. Films such as Livid expose this fallacy pretty well. Some have said you´ve gotta be dead to be one while others have said differently. The Twilight series failed because they emphasized the silly notion that the vampire life is somehow much better than any other life and therefore should be looked forward to with a sense of hope. Any good vampire film director knows that his film sold because it played on the concept of people becoming vampires against their will. Because so very often vampirism is not a choice at all. It is something people eventually encounter at any moment in their lives. And so the idea of an immortal vampire is very contrary. All vampires are mortal because they are all going to die. Livide shows this to you in ways most French movies have avoided to do and so becomes a slowly built success. This is because good vampire films are extremely politically incorrect like Livide. Because in Livide nobody is in control of their condition which makes the ending very unpredictable and the film therefore better.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wither is brilliant!!!!

I couldn´t believe my own eyes after I had watched Wither for the first time. I concluded that this movie had succeeded in it´s attempt to create a fun and seriously good to watch Evil Dead type of film but apparently it seems a whole damn better than Evil Dead. I don´t consider the Evil Dead remake to be particularly good in comparison with Wither. Wither creates a very convincing and realistic Evil Dead like atmosphere where the viewer feels constantly preyed upon or watched by the evil force or forces running the course of events throughout the storyline. The first thing I wanted to do once I had finished watching the film however was to try convince myself that maybe I wasn´t being right about it being better than Evil Dead, but eventually I concluded that that was the case. A very well done horror film had borne out of hard efforts to create a film oriented towards 18 plus horror fans who truly know their stuff. Wither is definately not for the squeamish which aids significantly in making it succeed as one of the top horror movies of the year of it´s production.
And the outcome is a film whose presence is still felt today as if it had just been released in cinemas a few weeks ago. This film is a feast for the horror fan´s eyes. Very creative and highly inspirational.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Zero Dark Thirty fails to live up to it´s expectations

 Review; Two Stars.
Category - Horror , Dark Fantasy.

Zero Dark Thirty has apparently failed miserably to live up to it´s expectations.
I am not attempting to hurt emotionally those among it´s probable five star reviewers who will enjoy every minute of attempt after attempt to thwart the official explanation for 9 - 11 into an otherwise apparently very well organized plot from the perspective of someone who does believe in that wild conspiracy theory.
I haven´t thought much about looking into big blockbuster movies about 9 -11. Maybe I should and maybe Zero Dark Thirty will be one of them.
Let´s face it folks. There was no Bin Laden , period. There was no Al Quaeda , period.
But there´s probably lots of groups out there who might feel like calling themselves Al Quaeda.
I remember back in the good old days when I used to be a big believer in the official explanation - so much so I got virtually kicked out of every chat room for talking about it the way I did and for endorsing it publicly , because intelligent people often tend to be realists who want the real explanation for something.
And it´s not my business to try to tell people ´hey , 9 - 11 happened the way I want you to think it happened´. No. I like to buy into the theory that our thoughts had got something to do with this overwhelmingly. I find that theory to be pretty well balanced on both sides. But trying to bring such a version of 9 - 11 to the big screen would probably require making a movie as long as this one or even longer , although a lot of people would be satisfied with 85 to 90 minutes. The way that 9 - 11 was used to justify persecution against UFO believers and paranormal investigators and Hedge Fund Researchers is simply disgusting. I feel that this film can in many ways be considered a highly effective horror movie. It helps to build up an atmosphere of fear and paranoia that creeps slowly between the nerves of all the viewers in the movie room where you are watching it at the movies and you start automatically wondering if ´that idiot looking Hobo is going to blow up the whole Movie Theatre or burn down the next library just to get attention´. Well library and book burnings are no longer fashion and you´ll find no instruction on how to burn books or libraries in the Qu´aran to my knowledge , let alone how to go to the movies and blow up movie studios.
The fact that so many people still take the official explanation for granted seriousy helps adding up to the fear while you are watching the film , so in the end , watching Zero Dark Thirty will probably be like watching Sinister - except I felt Sinister was somehow far more convincing as a horror film than the official story for 9 - 11. I did see at least one film based on that story that dealt with the firefighter´s version of event and that wasn´t the Nicolas Cage one.
People may dislike that I classify this film among Dark Fantasy movies , but , well , I find it amazing to know that people can conjure forth a fantasy as dark and comic as that of the supposed 19 hijackers , much like I did when I witnessed the event on native , Icelandic television. This film gets one star for the title , and an additional star for the buildup of fear and paranoia that the viewer goes through , probably being one of the overwhelmingly growing number of people who refuse to accept the official explanation but feeling somehow too afraid to talk about that openly. One hour later , people are probably arguing and arguing over the storyline and the overall plot and are finding it nearly totally impossible to concentrate.
´The official explanation is true!´
´No it isn´t you idiot. Go drink your fluoride water and leave us grown the fuck ups a lone´.
Most people will want to see this film classified as a drama and as a Thriller. In many ways it is a drama and a thriller , but the closer you get to the end , probably , the less convinced you feel that this could have happened without the supposed U.S. Federal Government having thought much about it before 9 - 11. Everybody likes a scary bed time story and probably the official explanation for 9 - 11 worked so well because of how similar it is to other scary , bedtime stories and the more silly it´s later versions got the scarier it became until today it´s simply laughable.